
根據美國加州學校教材, Grade K (5-6歲) 高頻字該認得的有表中這些. Dolch Sight Words Pre-K 跟 Grade K的也列出來了. 有些重覆, 想必就是必會, 有些沒有重覆. 加起來也是不少字. 當然千萬不能用死背的方法教小孩. 像早年國中時學校在逼大家背單字那樣, 是沒有長期果效也會把對英文的興趣都抹煞的. 要讓小小孩自然又開心的學認字. 家長得花些心思啊!  
從去年八月開始唸的Sight Word Readers順利的讀完了! 後來沒有選擇High Frequency Readers這套, 而改選First Little Readers. First Little Readers從Level A到F. 先買了Level A. 一樣是一套有二十五本. 有CD, 沒有Workbook. 選擇First Little Readers是考量之後能一階一階循序漸進的唸. 每個星期的進度大約是一到兩本. 常常是幫王貝貝洗好澡就叫他自己去放CD跟著唸. 我洗好澡時他也唸完了. 若時間寬裕, 我會陪著他一起聽CD一起聽他唸的. 有必要的話糾正他的發音. 當然, 如果當天有幫他上英文課或太忙就沒唸. 從去年八月開始到現在半年多, 成效看的到. 王貝貝現在認得了許多Grade K該會的高頻字. 對於日後的閱讀之路打下了基礎。
Recommended Age: 4 yrs. - 6 yrs. / Pre-K - 1st gr.

With enticing illustrations and super-simple text, this story-filled library is perfect for beginners! Our book sets have been carefully leveled using the guided reading system, so it’s super-easy to find the right book for every child in your class. Each softcover book is 8 pages. Levels each come in a 12 1/8"w x 4"d x 10 1/4"h display box.

Additional Information
Complete Library includes all 3 levels shown, each with 100 books (5 each of 20 titles) and a teacher’s guide with reproducible activities.
Leveled Book Set includes 100 books (5 each of 20 titles) and a teacher’s guide with reproducible activities.


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