每回去四伯父在初英的農舍,老爹總會提起附近有條初英自行車道;我卻從沒去過。我的小折在裝上親子座椅後便無法摺疊,當然也就無法放進汽車行李箱,所以能騎的地點有限。但這一個週末,在閱讀了Erling Kagge的書後,決定挑戰從家裡騎去初英自行車道再騎回家。
I was reading Erling Kagge's book and some other biking / hiking books lately. So I decided to challenge the Chuying Bikeway during the weekend. Everytime when we visited or drove by uncle's farm land in Chuying, Dad would mention there's a beautiful bikeway here called Chuying Bikeway. Ever since I installed kids seat on my folding bike, it is not foldable anymore. So we can't stuck it in our car trunk and travel around. The biking range is kind of limited. This time, I want to go on an adventure. 
We chose to cycle through some country roads in Jian which is really relaxing.


We stopped by uncle's farm. This was grandpa's place and a part of my childhood memory. To avoid contact in this pandemic, we decided not to say hi to uncle and cousins. 




ChiAn ChingHsiou Temple is closed of course. 

We went passed Agricultural Research and Extension Station and enter the small country road beside.


I said to Henry, "Let's bike to the closest place to the mountain!" He said "Yes, let's do it!" Our soul craves for mother nature. The mountain pops up infront of us, so close. I got bad knees and couldn't hike much. But hey, it seems I am good at biking! 
We took a funny selfie and when we biked through the winding roads under the mountain, the dogs barked at us. We even saw a dead snake! 
We took the international forest tourism bikeway and went all the way south.
There were some farmers doing the farm work in the fields. My hip ached and stopped for some rest. 
My lovely Henry wearing blue helmet. 
We follow the sign and turned right heading to Chuyin ecological park. However, there were a few big dogs sitting in the middle of the road staring at us. I decided to make a U turn right away and took the detour. I'm really afraid of those dogs. 
When taking the detour, we saw a beautiful lotus pond. 
Keep going from here and it will be Chuying bikeway.
We met some people along the way, but not too many. It was tranquil. We rode along the riverbank.
Finally we arrived the end of the bikeway. The ecological park nearby was closed due to the pandemic. So we headed home after this. No more uphills! We slided all the way down and when it feels right we both stood up on the bike and yelled some nonsense. It was great to be able to free our spirit. The mileage today was about 18 km. That's a lot. We relaxed in the hot tub when we got home. 
    創作者 Memphis 的頭像

    Adventure with Henry

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